"One of the functions of a diary is to create interaction be·
tween you and symbols on paper. If you have strong feelings
and then write them down freely, it gives you on the one hand
some distance and control, but on the other hand it often
makes you feel those feelings more. For you can often allow
yourself to feel something more if you are not so helpless and
lost in the middle of it. So the writing helps you feel the feeling
and then go on to feel the next feelings. Not be stuck."
-From "Writing as Cooking" by Peter Elbow

This essay I just read, where I got the excerpt from, was fascinating. I am a better writer just having read it.

That must be because it made me, again, look at my relationship with writing. Seeing that other people struggle with the same exact thoughts that I do. Having someone tell me that this is what I am doing to my writing because of how I write, and maybe how that can change. This 2 credit course is doing more for me than my stupid 16 credit. But I am starting to really like spending time in The Pacific Northwest because of the people. So I guess that makes it more worth it even if I think the teacher is not so intelligent and uninteresting, and the subject matter is less than intellectual. But Cultivating Voice... for just 2 credits, it is incredible. The conversations we have are insightful and meaningful to me. The readings are captivating. And the assignments are personal, but still challenging. *nods* (see, now I am nodding rather than shaking my head). I feel better. Even though it is late, and I still have shit to do, and I didn't get to read a chapter of New Moon. And I am behind on reading Strawberry Days. grr.
tomorrow will be good (I say with as much certainty as one can say about any day or anything, really.) If all goes accordingly: I will enjoy the train, I will be productive, see Tyler, Nina, and Ariana, and hopefully Ben and Aja, and I will smile. And I will try to catch up on sleep. hah.

I miss Matt already. So much. And I know I am about to miss my family, and my kitties when I am back at school.

*sigh* well.. I need to sign off now. With any luck I will be to bed by 2. and we leave at 6:30.