Writing Center = massive healing.
I swear, that place is my miracle this year, along with Camp K.
My second tutoring session today was even better than my first. It was another "How I Write" but this kid was like super passionate about writing, and I got all worked up and excited, and so did he, and we had all these crazy good ideas flying between us... it was just incredible. AND he came up with the idea to come in again next week, even though I don't think it is required. AWESOME! ^_^
Yea, it was sooooo good.
I still feel wiped, but I had a bowl of cereal and Ariel is going to make some pasta and then we are gonna watch Heroes with Tyler.
I decided to run tomorrow between work and class, instead of tonight in the freezing darkness. I am also debating bringing my running shoes on the retreat... well... those hiking boots are trail runners anyway... so i will be running on the retreat for sure.
I can read later. I deserve a break.
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