I just ran for a whole hour non-stop!! BOOYA! i have no clue what the temperature is outside, cause i am burning up. it was freezing when i started though, and now the sun is gone. its pretty cool that my body can produce so much heat and energy by itself.

all of a sudden i feel really lonely.
I donno if I miss someone in particular, or if its that familiar feeling that no one around me exactly seems to feel the world the way i do... and so i guess, sometime I don't know how to channel some of the emotions I have, when I can't communicate about them to other people (either because no one understands what I mean, or because i can't properly convey what i mean... or something else). I think that is why I am getting so good at running, and why I write so much. but all the writing and running in the world will never be the same as having someone who can share in emotion with you. that's what i think, at least.

i'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that maybe my dream about Zach had a lot to do with me relating so well to some of the things he says.
That's probably a load of shit. But anyway...
Em just made a really good quesadilla dinner, and I had cereal too. I need to read, lots.

Hopefully something fun will happen tonight though. I tried really hard to get lots of work done today...
ok, well, not that hard. After class I briefly read, emailed Liza, met Alicia for lunch.
Then I went out to the field to read. Ben came, and I fell asleep. Ben left, apparently, and I woke up what seemed like hours later, even though it was only maybe an hour and a half. I felt so rested, but really drained. Apparently you arent supposed to fall asleep in the sun. Nygil told me that when he came and sat down with me. We talked a bit, but I had to go print something off to read. That took a while to print, and then I realized it was basically about resource conservation and felt like an ass for printing it off (even though I took extra time to cut around the pages that just had pictures on them so they wouldnt print and waste paper... yea, i still felt bad). I read that for a while in the spot I use to go read last year. I got sick of that, so I went back to my dorm to run. Alicia and I were supposed to go rock climbing... but she never responded about that.

Eventually I got up the energy to run, barely. I was whining to Ariel about it. Finally I motivated myself. I started out super slow on my warmup, ran into Daniel who told me it was 6. After stretching I went out to the street and ran past the mods to the stop sign, and around to the childcare center. I went pretty slow for a while. I extended my course by a tiny bit by running around the parking lot instead of straight. I ran into Martha and had a brief convo with her while I was still jogging. The Organic Farm trail always seems easy (so next time I am going to go around the other way and try to run up it, instead of down). Then once I got down to the Organic Farm I picked up my pace a bit. I jogged on the street and the perpendicular street. Then I ran faster up the hill to the dorms, and around to take a cool down lap, which actually turned into a lap and a half of full out running, and one stretch of really good sprinting... which could have gone longer, but I decided that as soon as The Tempest was over, my run was over. Actually, I was pretty done running halfway through that song, but the end is the coolest part and I just had to sprint during it, no matter what. (Music is incredible). Then I took half a lap cool down slow jog and walk, during which, Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror came on, and I was just in such a damn good mood from it all that I forgot to stretch. ooops. but yea, then I went to claim my hour victory with Ariel who was down at Carolyn's apartment. She told me it was 7. I was stoked.

I need to go read. mehhhhhhh. Thursdays suck. Soooo long.
And Friday I am going to try to finish my paper so I don't have to do it on Sunday when Dana is here (meaning I need to finish my seminar reading tomorrow night, and start brainstorming ideas for my paper).

And I need a shower.
And, ideally, a massage.

i figured out who I miss...

(hint: i got mail from him today)