that seriously sucked.
I'm pretty sure I just spent almost 24 hours on my take-home final papers.
Fuck that.
Really.. FUCK THAT.
And I need to do a read through before I print them out because I serious don't even know if I sound coherent in the second one.
You know how in my last post I said something about appreciating interacting forces? Yea, well I totally do, but let me tell you, I am fucking sick of integrating/synthesizing information. By the end of this week, I think I will have had enough of that for a very long time.
Unfortunately I still have my in-class final, 3 evals to write, and a reconstruction/expansion of my tutoring philosophy. oh please, tell me that is all!
thank god all 3 of those things have a heavy emphasis on integration!
meh, I'm probably just pissy cause I didn't sleep a wink. It was kinda cool to watch the sunrise though, or at least see the sunlight slowly break away the night through my blinds. Its too fucking cold to have my blinds open.
soooo, about those read throughs? I honestly dont know if i can stomach re-visiting those papers. I mean, I think i could write those papers for eternity and they would still never be able to fully convey all the connections and thoughts and everything i wanted them to. unfortunatly, i dont even think either of them was up to my usual standard of essay writing. blech. well. they are due in three hours... i doubt i could sleep for fear of sleeping through my alarm.
Im gonna go shower. then do my re-read dealio.
and then bundle up in about 60 layers and trek up to turn them in.
then sleep?
i have work from 4-8.
actually, 5-8.
I am blocked out from 4-5 for a game of Apples to Apples with all the rest of the Writing Center tutors. That starts at 3, and I've been looking forward to that, so it goes above sleep on the list of priorities.
aannnd. tonight, movie after class (o un conversacion), but either way i aint doin no more work today!! and i am going to bed early.
and tomorrow, sleep in til work at 11. work til 3. probably not run, unless my throat and body feel about 500x better than they do right now. plus, i need to study. study study study for my fuckin in-class final on wednesday. guuuurossssssss.
haha. THEN porfolios are due on thursday, which means i need to write a better draft of my self-eval and make sure i have all my documents in my binder/organized. skdjahgnfna;
and friday, my cultivating voice portfolio is due, meaning i need to write my tutoring philosophy by then!
over the weekend, I will have my two other evals to pump out. and then 3 eval conferences next week.
buut.. thats a long way away.
so for now...
i just need to survive today.
(and more than survive... i want to enjoy... so wish me luck on that)
here is my wish for luck for you . . . and sleep, and healthy food, and sleep, and no sickness, and sleep, and fun games, and sleep, and good movies, and sleep, and an end to all this craziness, and glorious sleep!!! Sounds like grad school to me!!! Come home soon and make my house and me happy . . . and kitties and puppies too!!! We all miss you soooooooooooo much! Love ~ mom
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