- How many pictures can you take in a forest setting that have not been previously done or resembled?
- How long can you go completely naked?
- How long can you go without looking at something that measures time?
- Eat nothing (including compensation water consumption) but (possibly warm) soup consisting of water, flour, and one green vegetable (green onions?) for a week.
- Choose: Wash your hair 4 times a day for a week, or wash once within 14 days.
- Master (to your definition) an instrument that is not piano, guitar of any form, or drum set.
- Record the most prominent facial expression of the people that surround you daily for a certain period of time.
- Paint or draw something monochromed in your absolute least favorite color.
- Plan out an entire plausible and likable day, intricately, and do not do a single thing planned.
- Have a genuine conversation with a true stranger about something that heightens your emotions.
- Be incredibly obnoxious and weave a believable and inaccurate argument in defense of why you are being this way.
- Gain a (minor?) physical wound however you like and pay attention as it gradually heals.
- Distinguish the difference between two things and establish whether that difference is beautiful or destructive. Then establish the beauty in it regardless.
- Describe something completely separate of what it "is like."
- Celebritize something arbitrary, persons are permitted. Alternative: recognize a time you have already done so.
- Deliberately submerse yourself in an experience that is uncomfortable to you. Do something you hate.
- Get a tattoo.
- Dress in a considerably formal fashion from head to toe for a very informal occasion, or no occasion.
- Cry. Really cry.
- Create something from scratch. (Ideas: baking, painting, welding, music, writing, dancing, sewing, gardening, conversation.)
- Spend a period of time focusing on someone else's breathing.
- Rid yourself of a possession that holds a specific meaning to you. Do not sell it.
- Smell the concrete on the ground somewhere.
- Go as long as you can without saying "I don't know."
- Write down and save a list of 8 honest things you find valuable about yourself.
- Change your mind about something.
- Complain about something as lovingly and gently as you can.
- Have a crush on someone.
- Ask a genuine question.
- Cover your ears for a day in an attempt to skew everything you would have heard.
- Bite something that should never be bitten- such as fire or an eye.
- Exercise (in any form) until you literally cannot anymore. Then continue. Don't sell yourself short.
- Break something made of glass, plastic, etc that can be reformed with glue, and reconstruct it together again in an effective form that is not its original state.
- Eat carrots each time you eat candy. (Not forever unless self chosen.)
- Create a word (not a synonym) and integrate it into your vernacular.
- Stare at someone for at least a minute, then share exactly your thoughts once they notice/question it, aside from the execution of this planned exercise.
- Deeply analyze the next time you experience goosebumps (preferably from sources other than cold).
- Be affected.
- Remix something intangible.
- Make an anti-statement that is not a question.
- Interpret something for a confused person. Omit your input.
- Respond solely on impulse for a period of time, and be wholly content with that response.
- Consume your all time favorite beverage soon.
- Contemplate absurdity.
- Show up.
- Formulate 11 possibilities to be your favorite way of spending time. Consider who you used to be. Consider this is no longer the case. Decide on 2. Then fail in consistency.
- Scream at the top of your lungs without releasing the expected sounds. Silently does apply, so long as the action remains full and wholehearted.
- Pay no attention at some point. Then re-enter.
- Be fearless of something you have no control over.
- Loud.
- Lol (actually).
- Drop everything and go somewhere that you currently are not within 70 miles of. Specific direction not necessary. Superfluous money not necessary. Identity of Chris McCandless not necessary. Fear of guilt, constraint, or disappointing not necessary.
- Give yourself a haircut that you haven't had.
- Decide on an organism (flora OR fauna) that you most commonly resemble.
- Appear to be disgustedly offended the next time you encounter the use of a traditional saying or phrase.
- Stay up for sunrise two days in a row, and figure why you liked one of them more.
- Avoid mirrors and all sources of physical reflection.
- Stop looking at the ground so much.
yup... sounds good.
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