anyone wanna look at my integration paper? Finished it this morning, but don't really want to read through it myself at risk of getting too picky about it and trying to revise a ton.
I need to get onto my sem paper for Conservation Refugees. This should be interesting. I don't really want to get all worked up about politics tonight, though I suppose that is a minor inconvenience and I shouldn't complain. Its sorta my duty as a thinking person to care about these things.
I have a lot of other emotions going today and I'm exhausted, but that sorta feels good except that I should sleep soon and a lot.
Tomorrow is that last Andean Roots meeting until a week from Wednesday cause they are giving us time to work on our research papers. I wish that meant I had Spanish off too, but I guess it won't be too bad. And I still have tutoring as well. I hope I find a way to stay on track during this break because I know I am just gonna want to relax, climb, run, skate, play soccer and other variations of having fun/distracting myself from how shitty I always feel. Or not distract myself from how I feel and sorta wallow in it by writing poetry, and analyzing lyrics.
Hmm.. I really wanna go on a date. What a strange... desire. Not really, but still, I feel sorta pathetic for thinking about that.
I'm not so mad at myself about not running this morning anymore. Ben and Mom, your comments helped. I did some climbing anyway which was good (minus being totally burnt out).
Ari's Super Bowl party was fun. Ate lots of food, got way too into the game, tickle fights and wrestling. That sort. It was goodness.
Sorta lost it at the end. Can't say why... don't really know. Supposing it has something to do with who I am. Or maybe just how tired I am. We will never know.
Last night Matt(Newton) invited me to see the student directed/acted play Tomb with a View with him. It was super fun. He was at the party today too. I hope he and I become/stay good friends because he's really easy and fun to be with, spontaneous and that sort. Good things.
Relationships with people are strange things for me right now. I never feel comfortable in my exchanges with people, even if I know them well. In fact I might get on with strangers better than I do with people I know. No way to judge. Sometimes I wonder why I think about such nonsense. Perhaps because of how I feel...
yea, when I woke up this morning I had "The Royal We" stuck in my head cause it was in my dream. first think i did when i got up was check Nygil's blog and he had written out the lyrics. kinda neat.
Oh donn. I can hardly keep my eyes open. No me gusta.
Go go gadget sem-paper!
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