ayer. talked with Harrison. he struggles with depression too. we were gonna go look for a rock wall to climb but ended up laying in a field talking. he fell asleep. i sat there and thought myself into a good mood. a rare occurance.
went into Pisac. followed people around who had stuff to do. bought some oreos. would die for a glass of milk. not die. but you get the point.
was tims birthday. he shoved his face into the cake. we ate lots of cake.
not completely pleased with Spanish school. im learning a lot but think the teachers are assholes and dont really like the group im in. whatever. im not here to like people. im hear to learn spanish so i can help people. hahahahahaha fuck.
there are bars on my window. probably to keep me safe not keep me in. but its a good representation of how i feel. strange cause i do feel more free in peru but somehow feel like a prisoner in my life. last night we remet these girls travelling from argentina north... to where ever. on their bikes. selling handmade jewelry to get from place to place. i seriously considered dropping everything to go with them.
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