
im doing a lot better. today Ben got moved into my Spanish class which is awesome. and instead of doing conversation for the first two hours we got to go to the cemetary. I was so overwhelmed with emotion there. good emotion. i think i could spend a whole day there, and i am planning on it sometime. the one in Urubamba was beautiful and calm, but this one was just so captivating and powerful and immense. i mean, we spent over an hour there and i dont think i saw half of it. the cemetaries here are so much more beautiful than the ones ive seen in the states. i cant even describe it except that today i found another one of my favorite places in the world. i cant get into it right now because i dont have much time, but sometime i will type up the journal entry i wrote while i was there. i need to go back and take pictures... maybe. i dont even know if i would want to take pictures there. all i want to do is sit and look and listen and write. although i could take some amazing pictures of it if i decide to.

so after school i went to the Explorers Club instead of going home for lunch. i called mom on the free phone, picked up my package from her, and took over one of the free computers for a while in order to catch up on emails, messages and apply for volunteer work. i collected all the books and magazines on climbing and learned more climbing vocab in spanish. i am giving a presentation in spanish to my group on friday and im gonna do it about rock climbing. naturally. anyway, i got a lot of work done, but i have a lot more to do so tomorrow is gonna look quite similar i think. except i might go home for lunch.

even though there are places to climb in cusco, im not supposed to exert my body until a couple days after im done taking my antibiotics. and i still need to actually physically track down these places anyway...
next week though. next week i am actually gonna go climbing... i will do everything i can to make sure of it.

i have to go take a cab home for dinner now. a bunch of people are going out tonight but i got my journal today and i am stoked to go write lots of thoughts. hopefully everything will still be circulating in my head after dinner.

i have so much more to say here...
i will write again tomorrow if i can.

btw. today was a good day.