
some things vvill replay in your head over and over, and they vvill never be different.


some things you thought you would do right, you do vvrong.


some things you vvish you had done, vvould not have changed much anyway.


some things you are responsible for, arent easy


some things you see, you can´t unsee


some things you do to help, hurt


and some things you do to help, help


and some things horrific do happen...


some things make you vvant to vvake up, but you´re not sleeping


some things vvill make you stronger, even if they make you feel vveaker


some things that are right, feel vvrong


some things make a minute feel like an hour

some things you cant unsee

some things you cant understand

some things you cant begin to feel

some things make you vvonder about compassion

some things make you vvonder about meaning

some things you see, burn your eyes and your heart and your soul

some things you cant unsee

some things you cant undo, redo, renevv

some things you cant explain...
im sorry, i don´t vvant to share this pain