not good...

i want to be home. i want to be home. i want to be home.

i need to be here because these are things i don't want to miss out on. these are good things, that i cant get anywhere else.

i wish i had just gone home. i wish i didn't know what i would be missing here. i feel like i messed up horribly by missing the end of Peekaboo's life. i dont know if this feels worse because i had time to have gone home briefly before camp (and even if i didnt know she was going to die i would have at least gotten to see her again), or because this is the second time this has happened since ive been gone.

i just dont want to be here alone, but thats how i feel, despite being surrounded by wonderful people, doing amazing things. i feel wrong about it. i feel like so much of my heart is somewhere else right now. but then i just feel weak if i give up-- Peru got easier, this will too. but it almost physically hurts my brain to think that im not going to be home for a month.
i wish i was stronger and i keep telling myself that i can get through this if i just suck it up and do it. and i have been trying as hard as i can try to allow this to be the good experience it should be. but i feel like hell; like ive been swimming upstream constantly...

i dont even know how home could be better, except that maybe i would be able to grieve, and relax, and let myself feel whatever it is that i feel. and i would be with people who feel my pain and understand that i have been through a lot these past three months and that i just need a break. but i am the only one who can give myself that break, and i just dont want to. i dont want to feel weak again. i dont want to give up like i always use to. its just a month. 4 weeks. thats all. why does it feel so long? its 4 weeks of experience that i can never get back if i leave. thats what my brain is telling me, but... for some reason i feel like this is going to damage me severely, but logically, and from what everyone is telling me about camp, it will make me better to stay, and it will help me heal. i swear i am trying desperately to give it that chance.

its not fair.

and no one promised it would be.

I left home... I remember knowing it was possible that Cinder would die while I was gone, but I didn't believe it in my heart. Until today, I dont know if I really believed that she had.

This morning I woke up in a tent. I was getting ready, late, because no one seemed to realize that I had no clue what time to get up. I could hear people outside bitching about people not cleaning their dishes from the night before. The way we are supposed to clean dishes is nasty, but I understood the purpose and had done mine anyway. I was pulling my pants on in the tent and thinking how much better I was doing at the "here and now" thing (pretty much camp philosophy and how i have been trying to live my life... trying not to always be waiting for the next thing, but enjoying what i am doing at present). Right as I was smiling to myself about how I might actually enjoy this month rather than feel anxious through it (or actually physically running away, as I had seriously considered the first night), someone started violently shaking my tent and yelled at me to wake up. I said "Im up already" and it was Mike who replied saying "obviously not! youre still in your tent!" not only is it one of my pet peeves to be bothered about doing something while im already in the process of doing it, but the way he said it, and the way he expected ME to know anything about anything i am supposed to be doing at this camp just pissed me off.
whatever. "im stuck here, so i need to enjoy it." i thought. i mean... its not that it isnt an enjoyable place, but i guess these past few days i just felt drawn to being home. its understandable, because it has been a while, but this is the lifestyle i wanted, right?

well they gave us a lecture during/after we ate breakfast. i pretty much just zoned out. i had listened last night, and enjoyed last night, but morning isnt my best time anyway. last night there were hundreds of fireflys in the woods (maybe the most magical thing ive ever seen). and a big bright moon in the sky. and a creek trickling nearby. and a warm campfire that i helped build.

we went back to camp. i showered (in a warm shower), and in the bathroom I was looking around and trying to convince myself that this was going to be part of my home for the next month, and this is going to be part of my routine. i was desperately trying to have a good attitude about it, and maybe slightly succeeding, but knowing that it was going to take a while to accept.

on the way back to my cabin i hear someone say "she's not in there." for some reason i knew the voice was talking about me, and when she saw me she turned back around and said "shes right here." i enjoy moments like that.

as i rounded the corner I saw Josh and he said "We've got some things to do today. We're going to Charleston, starting as soon as you are ready to go." Oh, at that point I probably couldnt have heard better words. Not only was I going to get to miss the CPR course, but I was going to get to have cell service to call my mom, maybe get online, pick up some of the things I need. I marveled at the strings he must have pulled to get me out of work today but explanation was not needed for enthusiasm. I through my stuff together and met Josh at the car. As I walked passed the PAC Desi smiled politely at me and wished me a good time. We drove the scenic route, through Fayetteville where there is AMAAZZZING climbing that he said he would take me too if I came back to visit sometime. Other than that, I slept most of the way.

I must have been really tired from our hike yesterday. I had hiked with Amber and Kiona on North Laurel Fork. At one point we didnt know which way to go, and we much later found out that we had picked the wrong way. But had we not chosen that way we never would have found Fork. We named the dog Fork because he was a boy, and Laurel was too girly. He was a bear tracking dog which we knew from his collar, but he was severely malnourished. He followed us... for miles and miles. I gave him food eventually. and kept giving him food, and trying to feed him water out of my hands. He walked strangely. He looked like he hadnt been feed for a week or more. He just followed us. He let us pet him. He was a good dog, and I knew I would never be able to leave him behind because his collar seemed not to be transmitting a signal (though I would never know for sure). When we finally got to the pick up point, we took a vote with the other group about whether or not to take him and try to contact his owner. I volunteered to take the blame if we got in trouble because I could give a shit less at this point if people thought my protectiveness of animals was overdone (besides, if Andy was really mad, he would just fire me, and then I wouldnt have a choice about whether or not to stay --which i was and still am debating heavily).

Madeline (who i KNEW i would like) refused to leave without him when others had doubts, and picked Fork up and put him in the back of the Yukon. After a mile or two he got comfortable. After about 10 miles, and after we had picked up the last of the hikers, we passed a small town and Fork started whining and staring out the back window. We pulled over and opened the back and he bolted out and started running back the way we had come. We assumed he then knew where home was, and let it go. I hope he's okay.

Anyway.. So Josh and I went and he got ready at his house for the wedding he is playing tonight. Then he dropped me off at the office and I called my mom. My dad picked up, and my mom immediately after. They told me that had bad news about Peekaboo...

So now, I am left here, in this office, alone. in this town/state/region, alone. knowing that i am going to be miserable at camp, and knowing that whether i go home now, or in 4 weeks, i am going to be miserable there.

timing is really fucking something. you know, when you make these big plans you dont know what you are really committing yourself to, and so you have to be ready for whatever. but even if you know the possibility of something exists, you are never prepared for it. and even if something seems impossible to occur, it CAN occur, and you knew it... and you probably just denied it to yourself.

I remember watching that garage door shut, and seeing them for the last time, and maybe some tiny part of me felt like it might be the last time, but most of me believed otherwise.

this fucking computer is dying...
like everything else.


i dont know where these waves of anger come from. but i feel this terrible energy inside me suddenly. i feel panicky and sad. and everything feels worthless again.

i hope it passes with the night.


on the road now. flew into Georgia today. Another warm welcome into the US of A. ugg.

Mom, Becca and I drove up to South Carolina and are at a hotel watching Harry Potter. Tomorrow to North Carolina to a climbing gym!

And then up to West Virginia to see Josh and go to camp.

Climbing! my truest love!

cant think of a title

weird day.

first dive: Fish ID (since we cant do night dive as a class tonight).
that was fun.
second dive: wreck dive.
but my fucking right ear wouldn't equalize. so instead of swimming inside a sunken ship, i got to swim back to shore by myself. rinsed and hung all my gear and then passed out in a hammock. woke up who knows how much later after having a dream about a movie I havent even seen yet (The Greatest) and realized that everyone was eating lunch already. went in and got a sloppy joe and fries and potato salad and sat and ate. in a pretty bad mood...

then got ready for the afternoon dive which was to Mary's Place and my parents absolutely insisted I go. They were right. it was an awesome dive. we went through two really deep cracks, and then saw these cool really long super thin silver fish. also the fattest fish i've ever seen was hiding in a cave, but my mom spotted him and pointed him out.

Mom Becca and Dad did the drop dive. i came in on the boat. don't have the best diving stamina.

uhhhg. the worst part about this place is that some much of the staff just hits on you. well, me. right now im just sitting here at the computer and the guy at the bar kept yelling something. i didnt look over until i realized he was saying "Baby" over and over (which is what he called me when he passed a bit ago). when i looked, he said "baby, can i bring you a coke?"
i looked at him funny and he said "on me."
well... there was really no saying no to a free drink, but... oh

yup... there he goes again...
"any drink from the bar you ever want or need, just let me know. on me."

whelp...i'll never be thirsty here, thats for sure.

oh! hes back again...
"you done? you want a munkylala? anything! anything! dont be shy wit me. what do you want?"

oh good.
he just called someone else 'baby' too.

back to the states in two days, this time for more than 48 hours, but hopefully not too long. my heart already yerns for South America.

so here's something actually interesting and important... i am trying to write a book. been THINKING about it for years and years and years. but suddenly i am being called to it. problem is... i got nothing. no idea is ever good enough. no topic compelling enough to develop an idea. and even if i did...

well, at least it is on my mind, and maybe because i am open to the possibility, i might accidentally stumble upon something in my head that would eventually make a good book. i day dream all the time. i DREAM all the time. this should be easy. my dreams are all like scifi though, which really isnt the genre i would be into. i guess i dont know yet, cause ive never written fiction. i remember the few i did for assignments and such but those were some of the only written assignments i didnt finish, or if i did, i didnt like them.

im just never gonna be the writer i want to be, and that sucks, but that just means I will have to keep working at it my whole life. im starting to hate blogging though, because it lets me be lazy about my writing. there are no expectations and there is no challenge and... its all just a bunch of bullshit that no one wants to read. occasionally what i write is funny, but usually im the only one who thinks so. (im starting to think most of my humor will be shared by no one else, but maybe i just havent been with many people lately).

Alejandra just came over and said i could do the wreck dive tomorrow morning. sweet.

ok... more later.


got proposed to today by Jorge, one of the staff here. he told me he wanted to buy a condo, but only if i would marry him and live there with him. he also said he is going to buy me a "fresca" every day this week, and if i ever want more to just put it on his tab. then when he handed me the sprite bottle he told me that his heart is for me...
oh god.

i think ever since i dated Tony there is like this invisible aura around me that attracts Spanish-speakers...

did our deep dive for class today.
100 feet!
its not that much different than 30, actually. except maybe how fast you can think. we did a little shape-in-the-hole test to show how much slower we are at that depth. 30 seconds to 1:19.
hmm.. and then we did our "peak performance buoyancy" dive. "swimming" through these underwater triangle things.
im pretty much spent for the day and its only noon. dont think i will be doing the afternoon trips.

yesterday we got to spend some time at the Prince Albert which is the sunken ship down there. that was rad. on Thursday we have another wreck dive, on a plane, and hopefully a night dive too. tomorrow: no required dives and i might just take the day off.

lunch time.


went on 3 dives today. a crack dive, then a wall dive this morning.
after lunch we had class and did our navigation dive. underwater compass work.

finished Bree's story after photographing some hummingbirds. both good things.

everyone here is incredibly kind. the food is amazing as well.

feel lonely. my family is all here. im just really distant right now...


The Short Second Life of Bree Turner, Stephenie Meyer's novella about the character that appears briefly in Eclipse. I decided to read that before reading Breaking Dawn because it has more relevance where I am at in the story now. Started it today.

Second dive was so cool. Went down to 70 feet (on accident), saw an eel, and just got re-familiarized with what I am doing down there.

In Roatan, Honduras now.

In a lot of ways it is very different here, but --in just enough ways to make me feel okay-- it is a bit like Peru. 1 is that I can still speak Spanish, with the cooks and most of the employees. Also, saw a tugtuk on the way through town. :) These things help me adjust. But as I was driving through town and saw all the signs in Spanish (even after only being in the states for a day and a half) I felt home again, and realized I probably will actually end up spending a good portion of my life in South and Central America. When I got back into the states I definately did not feel welcome. I guess that is how customs is set up, but for fucks sake, they could at least be civil, and maybe even smile. Or at the very least, not yell and treat you like you did something wrong. It pisses me off.
Oh well, just one more reason to gtfo of that country.

The first dive of the week was fun... once I felt comfortable breathing through a tube again. We saw a ship wreak that we get to explore more thoroughly later this week. Becca, Nathan and I are getting our Advanced Open Water certifications throughout this week.

Last night was rough. I thought I wasnt going to enjoy this family vacation at all. But then my family wanted to look at my pictures from Peru and hear stories, so that made me feel better. I miss Ben a lot. I miss classmates and teachers. I miss PSF.

Oh... the other day I texted Grey and apologized for last summer. He got back to me yesterday and said not to worry, so I hope he and I can be friends now.

I'm getting excited for NYSC, but also very anxious to be home. One thing at a time I guess. Its only a little over a month, anyway.

hmm... everyone at this dive resort is old...
1 more dive today, and maybe some kayaking too.

everything's new

had to say goodbye to Ben this morning...

Anyway, I am staying at the Hilton in Miami.
Culture shock anyone?!?
Last night Ben and I ordered pizza(!!!!) and ordered Alice in Wonderland from the hotel. That was nice.

Today I am very... shaken. or, i was this morning. once I dropped Ben off at the airport I took the shuttle back to the hotel and I just wanted to cry... very hard.

Everything was different. I was really physically alone for the first time in months... In a different state than anyone I knew, in a different country then I have been (and than I want to be) and I couldnt even recognize myself in the mirror for some reason...

I turned on the TV and watched some of the World Cup. I flipped between that and the MTV Movie Awards (from sometime this year, though I have no idea when). On that there was a clip for Eclipse. Then I remembered i still have about 5% (Kindle) left in the book. I read a bunch on one of the planes yesterday. I was sobbing... on the plane. haha. Ben was really concerned about me (my mental health I think more than anything).

Anyway, so I watched the Movie Awards. It was very... shocking. I havent heard that much cussing, or seen that much or people's bodies, or heard such vulger lyrics accompianied by extremely sexual dancing, for months as well. It was just like... "oh yea... this exists in the world."

anyway, i was just really emotional about everything that is going on right now. i mean... things are so different in what I am doing and seeing. the way my mind is working. the way i look. the way i feel. who i am with (or not). what i am about to do. the place i am staying. the state of friendships. i am just... baffled by it all.
not all in a bad (or good) way. just...
im overwhelmed. i am... terrified and sad and excited and angry and happy(er) and lonesome and jealous and trying to remember to live by the things i know and have learned.

i feel calmer. more confident. i feel like i dont need people as much anymore. i feel like i dont need much anymore.
and at the same time, i feel vulnerable. and weak. and lost.


i am at an internet place. I was walking around trying to find a way to the climbing gym but then i got caught in a storm. the only place i could go into was a pizza place so i went and ate. then i realized i was too far away to the gym to get to it without paying like $30 for a cab. so i was walking back to the hostel and found this place.
but ive been here for an hour and its like $4 an hour (which seems really expensive compared to what i am use to right now) so i am gonna go.

there are a bunch of movies at the hotel i could order and enjoy watching. and there arent very many places to walk to, but i think i will keep exploring.

i hope i find something fun to do for the rest of this weird day...

see my family tomorrow, which is... too good for words.

sad goodbye.

lots of emotions this morning as I watch the sunrise over Cuzco. But the most pressing, and the most important right now is how much I love this place.

Very few times has leaving a place been this hard.
I'm not gonna be in Peru anymore, and it doesn't seem real.

I'm gonna go sit on the porch with Ben, and cuddle, and watch for a bit.


"Between stimulus and response, there is a space.
In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our
response lies our growth and freedom." - Viktor E. Franklin
my uncle David posted this on Facebook this morning. He is right.
And today is beautiful.
And there is so much pain in my heart for the pains of the world, that there isn't much space for anger toward people I care about. So I choose forgiveness and understanding and love.

Eval was canceled today due to the roads to Pisac being blocked by demonstrators, so I am going back to the cemetery... one of my favorite places in Peru. I am going to write, and take pictures, and feel the power of death and life. I am going to enjoy being in this country that I love.

I can see the street out my hostal window. I think I remember the day I fell in love with the feelings I feel here, and it was while walking down this street.

late night

is just this
of love and hate.

and as much as we create
we destroy.


i'm really sorry.

i dont know what got into me.

oh responsibility, you found me.

i didnt know i had to be talented to be Staph at NYSC.
what the fuck am i gonna lead 1 seminar about, let alone 3?

i just dont know how i am supposed to set all of this up before camp...
i need to do W4, and medical forms, and sign things, and scan things...
i cant do it in Peru.
and i didnt even know about it until now
and its already past the due date.
maybe they will just revoke my employment and i can just come back to peru, drop out of school and forget the rest.
probably not...

I have to do my eval. my conference is tomorrow (in Pisac. wtf??)

and I have to reapply for the Writing Center, asap.


Maybe I learned these lessons early... made these mistakes before other people did, but I can't help but be offended by what is going on right now. I mean, I really shouldnt be surprised. Friendship. When has that ever meant anything lasting or loyal? People betray eachother with their feelings, and their actions. Its just how it is. Even though I always understand the possibility of this happening, I trust most people I know with my heart... and that continually seems to turn into a mistake. Unfortunatly it is the only way I know how to live, and it is something I believe in... to give someone trust until they give you a reason not to, and even then, to do your best to forgive them, or be understanding about the situation. That was how I was raised, and it is how I try to live my life.

It keeps getting more difficult though. It has happened so much. Betrayal.
So now, while it seems that I become more open to people, it is only because I am hardening to them. Because I am getting stronger and realizing that everyone lets everyone else down, and that is just to be expected. And people will do things to fulfill their own motives, regardless of how it may affect others. I know I have done this too, but I try really hard not to. I'm sure others try too.

This is why though... why I want to wander. Why one place will never satisfy me. Because while it is new, there can hardly be betrayal. But trust and comfort move on with time...
Maybe PSF is the place for me. People can move in and out of my life, as they move in and out of that place... and I can be somewhere, doing something that makes me happy.

I just want ONE person. One person I can travel with, who I can trust, who I can talk to. The wonderful thing about this trip was Ben and I. We stuck together. We had eachother and thats all we needed (well, I guess I will just speak for myself). And while we were here, nothing was going to happen to that. We lived in the same hostal, slept in the same bed, for 3 weeks straight, and then traveled across the country together and dealt with a lot of physical pain, emotional discomfort, ect. We fought twice. Twice out of all this non-stop time together, and they lasted maybe 10 minutes before we apologized.
It makes me sick that this is going to end. That we are going to go back to our respective home-lives and that things will probably never be like this again. Remember when I was writing about how being at PSF was pretty much the best part of my life? He was a part of that... a huge part.

I have had tears welled up in my eyes for days... I can't get them to go away, and I certainly can't get them to come out. They are just sitting there, along with this lump in my throat. As full as this trip made my heart, it also broke it. There is a deep fissure that I am trying to fill with the love I found here in Peru, but I know I can only keep that joy in my heart for so long, before it is nothing but memories. Even if I come back, it will never be the same.

Everything changes.
Everything ends.


(entries from my personal journal):

"I want to learn from Cormac McCarthy. The care and precision and detail with which he writes is a skill I hope to at least near in my own writing. I must then, practice more; become more decided and aware about the meaning of my thoughts as words.

He constantly leaves more to be wanted; allows there to be unanswered questions. And he uses words that force the reader to become committed to understanding his true meaning. In these ways he keeps the reader's attention. They can't have everything they want in the moment, and so they are always seeking more." (5/8/10)

That was my experience, at least, when reading The Road.

"My head is spinning. It feels light and my eyes are not heavy, they droop with a strange sensation that I feel with the nearing of sleep. Total comfort and...

I couldn't explain to you what is happening to me. I feel sick with comfort. I feel like crying. out of joy. I think that's what it is, but now I am second guessing myself.

Today was wonderful. The market at Pisco overwhelmed me with curiosity fulfilled. Truth and reality. Honesty of life that I have been looking for. Its something about this place that makes me feel like I am a part of life.

But that's not just it.
I fear for this, for the future, as I know things change and seeming perfection fades, and sometimes only loneliness and confusion remain. But what is happening is something so new and unexpected.
And I feel like I am spinning wildly in this strange new reality where things are actual and emotions are manifest so differently. There is no way to put it into words. I feel almost like I am part of a new sort of life. I have felt similar before, but this has been so much stronger.

I am writing in circles but only because I have yet to find anyway to say this that would represent it truely. I have felt at certain points in the past few days that some emotions I thought I had known, were never experienced by me until now. What does that even mean? Of course I have known happiness and love before. Why does this feel so new and different?

I'm afraid. I'm really afraid to allow any of this to continue -- my joy. I'm so afraid." (5/8/10)

That was from when I first got to Pisco.

"Had a bad thought last night. it was a momentary relapse. And maybe I wouldn't necessarily call it a 'bad' thought. I just remembered something that drove me a little insane in the darkness: nothing lasts.

It made me toss and turn for a while. I don't know what triggered it, but suddenly I was ready to give up on this happiness that has seemed to finally become a part of my life. I guess I remembered how temporary it can be; how things change; how everything ends.

Meet Me on the Equinox was the first song that played on my ipod this morning. Everything ends." (5/10/10)

"I love too easily -- people and places. I love too much, and so I hurt.
involves loss.
You can't expect to love and not lose
or live and not lose.
Its just the way it is.
So you can guard yourself and be miserable, or you can open yourself to love, and people, and places. At least then your misery will [more likely] be intermittant instead of constant, and often, it will be shared.

You will still be alone -- as alone as everyone else, because you are an entity, walking, breathing on your own. And your life, your breath isnt fully reliant on anothers. If their heart stops beating, yours may flutter, but it will go on.

But even if we are alone, we can find connection, however brief. Everything is brief. Everything ends." (5/29/10)

"Freedom from love is a process.
I mean not to be free of love,
but to slowly be rid of its suffocating hold. Not permanantly, but just for each individual grasp.
I only mean that I fall in love, and I fall hard (whether for person, or place, or feeling). This love often manifests itself in ways that mimic addiction, and border obsession. Tony and Zach are key examples of this. Perhaps the way I love is unhealthy.
Along with love, I adopt a fear of what will happen if I 'lose' it (the object of my affection). But the truth is, we lose what we love.
Perhaps the way I love is not unhealthy. Perhaps it is just honest. (Though it could demonstrate a weakness in myself that I so deeply rely on such a connection).
It doesnt really matter what it means though; not really, not if I can't change it.

What I want to say is that loveing (for me) is consuming. Almost all-consuming (good or bad). But I also don't think I would have it any other way. To feel any less deeply would be to lose a sincere part of myself.

And other thing: I know that I CAN be free of it. Not completely because the love will always be in my heart, a part of my soul. But I can free myself of it enough that I can breathe, and enough that I can love again (even if I didnt think I would ever want to).

Tony. I love Tony, to this day, but it is distant now. I loved him as much as one could love another. For so long it was like fire inside of me. I thought that burning love would last forever; that it would consume me completely. It took years of being rejected, being far away, and returning, and being turned away, and returning, and being used. And finally, eventually, I was free of it.

Oh man, that felt...
well, the way it was forced upon me was painful, but the release was a relief.

Unfortunately, this coincided with... Zach.
So in my breath for air... in my deep inhale, expecting nothing too significant, nothing heavy, I choked on something more. Instead of breathing, instead of floating, I was suddenly drowning again --worse than I was before. I was completely inundated, knocked off guard, spun around, ...lost. The ground I was on was gone. The thoughts in my head were questioned. Everything I had done to climb up the wall was lost, and suddenly I was at the bottom again.

How could one person, a couple of nights, completely destroy 3 years of recovery? How could I let myself fall for it again?

I didn't know if I would surface. I didnt know if I would even be able to get off the bottom. I didnt even know if I wanted to. Part of me just wanted it to end.

What happened with Zach... it wasnt all about him. It was a trigger for the rest of my depression.

loss of love
existance of love?
existance of happiness?

But... now, even as I havent seen him for 2.5 months, I love him.
Except today, Ari and Cari posted pictures from their trip to the beach, and I didnt feel the pangs of despised love I thought I would upon seeing his image.
My mind, my dreams, only know what I knew of how I think I feel, based on what I felt before. So when I dream of walking up his steps to see him for the first time, my heart pounding, my chest tightening so much that it wakes me... it is based on how i felt before. Not on how I would feel now, if I actually saw him again.
When I saw his picture, obviously the love was there, but I realized that, however slowly, I will be released from the breathtaking hold that once possessed me about him. That lets me breathe easier, and I can hope that more time, with continued distance, will allow the progression of this release-- as it did with Tony. I anticipate moments of return, of relapse, but...

life has happened, and it allows us to love,
and it forces us to change.

And in change
we lose
and we gain."

2 Poems...

"Lies slip off my tongue with the ease of butter across a heated pan
leaving little trace.
And the truth simmers in tiny bubbles,
until they lift away in steam,

"Rejection is a weighted pit at the bottom of my chest;
it sits alone and heavy, reminding me of my emptiness."

These next ones are from the bus ride from Pisco (Ica) to Cuzco.

"From beginning to end, you don't understand it all. You get bits and pieces that you add to your collection.

But sometimes there are moments where it all comes together. Moments where you actually transcend the capacity of your mind. All of those moments they said would make you grow, combine into some sort of mashup of thoughts/emotions/actions that suddenly line up and form a new part of yourself that you can access. True growth. The manifestation of a bunch of nothings (and somethings) into something (and nothing) new."

"The stars.

They are there.
And you forget about them.
And then one day you look up
and they are still there."


i wish my happiness could offset my sadness
the way my sadness manages to offset my happiness.

Benjamin Button

"For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same; there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."


"you weren't good enough, and you never will be"

to write about:

Machu Picchu!


how much i love Peru, and my class, and Ben and our journeys!

i couldn´t get into it now because we are gonna go eat soon (Indian Buffet, here we come!)
and i need to sleep tonight...
but i have too much energy right now.


Where am I?

so on our little hike today from Santa Teresa to Aguas Calientes I got sickish (diarrhea), which is sorta normal now. but we were in the middle of nowhere (not that this is new either), and I am also on my period and have a yeast infection. (Just thought yall should know.) And now we are in the most touristy place in the world (surrounded by beautiful mountains) and it makes me wish I was back in Pisco (surrounded by desert). We will see if all of this was worth it when we go see Machu Picchu tomorrow. I mean, the drive last night was surreal.... just enchanting. And the hike today was wonderful. But I hate the feeling that I am being ripped off all the time, and I hate how history has become a monopoly. And I hate that I am a part of that.

Lots of homework to do today. Off to that.

so much.

i guess i don't want anything except for people to be honest with me.
i can deal with the rest myself.

"Where are we?
What the hell is going on?
The dust has only just begun to form crop circles in the carpet;
sinking feeling.
Spin me round again, and rub my eyes.
This can't be happening."

I cant decide if this is how i feel, but i cant get enough of this song. Listen to it. Hide and Seek. Imogen Heap.

I have so much to type up from journals.
Later though.

WTF... June?!?

well, back in Cuzco. It was one heck of a bus ride, so Ben and I are pretty lucky to be alive right now.

Can´t believe it´s June....

Oh, and what the hell? Its suddenly kinda cold. (Side affect of being in the mountains in the Winter). Missing the desert but it was actually pretty comforting driving into the city and recognizing everything. Felt like home too.

So far in Cuzco we have run into 4 former PSF-ers and two people from Andean Roots. Ate at Jack´s, naturally, and slept. Howard from PSF told us about a hostal where volunteers get discounts... 2 soles less per night! But its actually a REALLY good deal, cause the hostal is super nice and has a bunch of great features (yay hot showers!)

Off to dinner soonish. Later I will write more about the crazy bus ride, my psychotic dream on the bus ride, and another dream I had a few nights ago.

Tomorrow we leave for our quick trip to Machu Picchu (probably).

I feel pretty good, but I have a bad feeling about something, though I don´t know what it is...