"Between stimulus and response, there is a space.
In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our
response lies our growth and freedom." - Viktor E. Franklin
my uncle David posted this on Facebook this morning. He is right.And today is beautiful.
And there is so much pain in my heart for the pains of the world, that there isn't much space for anger toward people I care about. So I choose forgiveness and understanding and love.
Eval was canceled today due to the roads to Pisac being blocked by demonstrators, so I am going back to the cemetery... one of my favorite places in Peru. I am going to write, and take pictures, and feel the power of death and life. I am going to enjoy being in this country that I love.
I can see the street out my hostal window. I think I remember the day I fell in love with the feelings I feel here, and it was while walking down this street.
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