vivid and terrifying dreams were something I use to experience nightly. It had been so long. That is probably why I was so petrified. And it was a normal dream to begin with, though I don't remember the start. I do remember that I was at Evergreen and Tony and I were walking through the CAB (though it was different, as places always seem to be in dreams). We got in the elevator. The elevator had a climbing wall in it. Tony climbed up and I began I campus-ing my way up, easily. I had no clue why climbing was suddenly so easy, why my arms were so strong. My phone started ringing and I dropped from the wall to answer it. It was Mom. She was yelling about how "it's happened again." I knew what she was referencing (having a memory that is only real in a dream is fucking weird). The "again" she was talking about was a friend who died, who had called her in the middle of the night saying she was terrified for her life... that she felt a presence and that she knew she wasn't alone. My mom had tried to calm her friend but the next time she heard of her friend she had allegedly died in her sleep. This had happened again, apparently. My mom explained to me what was going on. That she had just gotten an email that had (somehow) woken her from sleep in the middle of the night (which is what time it was for her). The email was a friend (Father Jim, from the church in Sunriver, but who she was calling "Good Evening"). The email talked about feeling this presence and evil behind him, but that he was too afraid to look, or reach back to see. My mom tried to get back to him, but worried that the email was too slow. She was awaiting a response as I tried to console her on the phone. She said "I just know I'm next. It will be me soon, that they come for in the night." Moments later she got a response that somehow told her "Good Evening" had died in his sleep. She was freaking out, laying in her bed, alone (I guess), in the dark, in the middle of the night. It was like I was there; I felt a presence, and I heard breathing over my shoulder.
I woke with a start, throwing my arm behind my left shoulder, and, upon hitting the wall, reaching around for the light switch. It took me about 5 minutes to move. I cried a little, and thought about going to my parents room to check on them, but I could hardly move out of terror. Eventually I gained the muster to grab my phone at the foot of the futon, and text my mom. She came in shortly, as she often does when I have nightmares. We talked and cuddled and she helped calm me. I jumped at a vibration of my phone. It was Daniel, texting me at 4:30 in the morning. "You were in the dream I just woke up from" he and then proceeded to be Daniel (after I replied that I needed to sleep) insisting that it wasn't time to go back to sleep, but time to tell stories, and (jokingly) suggest that we are soulmates since we both woke up from dreams around the same time. I was too tired for that. Mom went back to bed, and I fell back asleep.
The second dream was much more subtle, in the sense that it was more like a dream, and didn't physically affect me. However, it was still fucked up beyond all reason. I don't even think I have a grasp of what all was going on. The characters were seemingly infinite including Tyler, Carolyn, Ari, Eric, Britney Spears, Shane, Nygil, my parents, people from highschool, and probably people from camp. Most of the details are fuzzy, but if I remember correctly, someone was trying to get to me by killing all the people I cared about. And not just killing, but like... eviscerating and leaving them in places I would find them. But their remains were all bagged in the shape of people (which I mistakingly opened the first time I found one), the human shaped bags were masked with these crazy... characature pictures of... something. And the killer was also masked, but I knew who he was. But that kept changing too. But his method was always the same: he was usually near the victims when I found them, and he would say something to taunt me before and after he would kill someone. He would clue me in on who was next, and then I would race to find them before he could, but he always got there first. There was blood everywhere. I could hear the screams and know I was too late. No one else would help me. I saw Britney Spears in the restaurant near the lobby of the hotel/motel/school that this was all taking place. She has nothing to do with anything else going on in the dream, why was she there?! I DONT FUCKING UNDERSTAND MY MIND!
Both dreams we just absolutely terrible. I wonder if the change of scenery really does make me dream more vividly? It seems a pattern that I start having nightmares when I return home. If I have one tonight, that will be really interesting, because I seriously only remember the framework of most dreams I remember having since school started. And none of them have been near-debilitatingly scary like this.
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