I know the world is constantly in flux, but its been more noticeable lately.
Life's been hard these past few weeks, but its been better. Things have been happening that have shifted everything from beneath me. The intensity of the shift has me shaken but as I wander on this new piece of ground, I am finding things I like, things I have been looking for. Possibilities. People. Old things I thought were lost, and new things I didn't know to exist.
Today and yesterday have surely thrown me for a loop. A positive one mostly, even though yesterday sucked. It was just about perspective, I guess. And its okay, I just need to do what I need to do. And what I need to do is good. I am so lucky: I get to be in school, have a job in a shitty economy, have the opportunity to have someone give me money to go somewhere. Its fills out my days working on all of this, but I need to stop thinking about it "taking time." It isn't. It is how I am spending my life. Again, I am so lucky. I get to choose how to spend my time. This is what I choose. I should be happy about it, and I am. I am tired, but that's because I am working hard. I'm doing positive things for myself AND for the world.
And... I am making new friends, finding new things I like to do, and discovering new ways to be in the world.
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