but can wholeness be attained in piecing together our shattered states, being careful enough in our rebuilding that our rough edges do not pierce and drain the other of such vitality?
We are neither shattered nor incomplete; these are just fallacies of the mind attained through the discourse (the spread of the virus) of human language. There is nothing to be rebuilt, only that which can be created again or destroyed and hopefully erased, though the idea of blank slates and completion are fully human and therefore fully fallable as well. Our lives are ruined when we see the glass of milk spill and fall and crack because we do not give thought to the fact that there are other containers and other sources of nourishment. And while we can pretend to say that we alter the world around us, the only thing that we truly change is that which is known as the inner being of self (another falsehood of the viral spread of communication; we think because we can engage with another thing that we are different from it, when really the wolf; the whale; the human, the spider; the tree and grass; the atom are all experiencing the same reality, though at angles which differ and interfere with another). Nothing changes, matter merely becomes a form which is incomprehensible to our angle of perception; the glass does not break, the life does not die, it merely switches position or allows itself motion, and begins to perceive from a new point of view. We are only saddened because we do not follow this transition. The lit matchsticks i held to my hand last night told me this. My fried skin did not break, it only moved, and the pus filled scabs on my hand neither complete nor destroy my hand or my being. They simply mark a transition, and as we know with all transitions: that which was here before may seem lost with the alteration, but there is a memory of the "before". If there were not, no transition would be perceived and these scabs could be conceived as originating from my conception. The loss and the drain that you think of are the same thing, though the loss is not real, and the drain is merely a motion. From this point, how can we have "vitality" when there is no "not vitality" which can be perceived? The living plant once eaten only changes position and formation but continues to act on inside of the consuming organism. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that instead of a drain on vitality there is only a switch from the consumation to the supplimentation of vitality, and all that which was consumed now supplies a consumer who will eventually supply, as this is the natural state of our perceived universe. This continues, not in a cycle of placing puzzle pieces together to match the picture presented on the box, but in a random fashion in which there is no final picture or final result which is strove for, only an assimilation and transition of matter and thought and space upon themseleves and one another as they eat and excrete and eat themselves. So in conclusion, you and i and us and this are neither complete nor shattered; neither a final product nor a garbage can bound disaster, but merely the next sequence in a chain whose meetes and bounds will always continue to fluxuate because we both eat and (wow, just realized that there's no verb for the act of letting one's self be devoured; humans are idiots... engaging in martyrdom or sacrifice might be close, but it's not right... um, anyway) that which we are. The other's vitality is our (using the word 'our' as a general statement for life, matter, space, and thought here) own, regardless of whether we devour or nourish it, and at the same time it was never ours (now using it as a statment for an individual) to begin with in the first place as we all belong to something else.
Err.... Hopefully some of that made sense, i'm gonna go stick another match to my hand.
We are neither shattered nor incomplete; these are just fallacies of the mind attained through the discourse (the spread of the virus) of human language. There is nothing to be rebuilt, only that which can be created again or destroyed and hopefully erased, though the idea of blank slates and completion are fully human and therefore fully fallable as well. Our lives are ruined when we see the glass of milk spill and fall and crack because we do not give thought to the fact that there are other containers and other sources of nourishment. And while we can pretend to say that we alter the world around us, the only thing that we truly change is that which is known as the inner being of self (another falsehood of the viral spread of communication; we think because we can engage with another thing that we are different from it, when really the wolf; the whale; the human, the spider; the tree and grass; the atom are all experiencing the same reality, though at angles which differ and interfere with another). Nothing changes, matter merely becomes a form which is incomprehensible to our angle of perception; the glass does not break, the life does not die, it merely switches position or allows itself motion, and begins to perceive from a new point of view. We are only saddened because we do not follow this transition. The lit matchsticks i held to my hand last night told me this. My fried skin did not break, it only moved, and the pus filled scabs on my hand neither complete nor destroy my hand or my being. They simply mark a transition, and as we know with all transitions: that which was here before may seem lost with the alteration, but there is a memory of the "before". If there were not, no transition would be perceived and these scabs could be conceived as originating from my conception. The loss and the drain that you think of are the same thing, though the loss is not real, and the drain is merely a motion. From this point, how can we have "vitality" when there is no "not vitality" which can be perceived? The living plant once eaten only changes position and formation but continues to act on inside of the consuming organism. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that instead of a drain on vitality there is only a switch from the consumation to the supplimentation of vitality, and all that which was consumed now supplies a consumer who will eventually supply, as this is the natural state of our perceived universe. This continues, not in a cycle of placing puzzle pieces together to match the picture presented on the box, but in a random fashion in which there is no final picture or final result which is strove for, only an assimilation and transition of matter and thought and space upon themseleves and one another as they eat and excrete and eat themselves. So in conclusion, you and i and us and this are neither complete nor shattered; neither a final product nor a garbage can bound disaster, but merely the next sequence in a chain whose meetes and bounds will always continue to fluxuate because we both eat and (wow, just realized that there's no verb for the act of letting one's self be devoured; humans are idiots... engaging in martyrdom or sacrifice might be close, but it's not right... um, anyway) that which we are. The other's vitality is our (using the word 'our' as a general statement for life, matter, space, and thought here) own, regardless of whether we devour or nourish it, and at the same time it was never ours (now using it as a statment for an individual) to begin with in the first place as we all belong to something else.
Hopefully some of that made sense, i'm gonna go stick another match to my hand.
yo Nygga,
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