when he said "and a little bit of sadness" i could feel the inevitable sorrows of life peaking through the beautiful clouds, as sunlit truth. a warm wash that allows for comparison, to make the richness of chocolate cream sink a bit further into our tongues, and let our own lives mutually sink a bit further into the sand. we suddenly feel the rawness of other emotions. it is only a glimpse and as we lay back in muted light we let the color step inside our eyes, the music in our minds, and we slide into the night for a soft sleep where the weight of life and death is floated from our consciousness. it is the highest peace to hope for in these times when foundations liquefy into questions. memory will be salvation from aimless wander, and i can hold yours for tonight my friend.
this is so brilliant . . . one of my favorites of your writing ever. you are my amazing alex and I love you beyond words ~ mom
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