I was going to post a quote I really like about how creating a "balance between exuberance and humility" is one of the keys to happiness. I can never remember the quote exactly, nor can I ever remember who said/wrote it. When I went to look for it tonight, the first thing that came up on Google sounded really familiar, and I thought I had found the quote. Turns out, what I had found was something I myself had written... something that I didn't even know was online. Kinda cool. (As goes the interwebs, this discovery led me from one thing to another until I was thoroughly distracted.)
After further exploration when I got back on track, I discovered the quote (really, it was more of an entire lecture...) was made by Vladi Chalupka, a University of Washington professor who's class I sat in with Matt when I visited him during our Freshmen year of college. Except, I hadn't heard the quote then. I heard it when Vladi spoke at Science Camp in West Virginia two summers ago. He's also apparently given the lecture at Evergreen too. (linkslinkslinks)
On a side note, Peter Mulvey has a song about drinking outside a bar, looking at the stars, and talking about the universe with Vladi, the astrophysicist from UW.
Now I miss camp (not terribly though, and I am still glad about my decision to not go this summer), and feel calmer... peaceful-er (ha) in general.
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