i bet you missed these...
Grad announcements! (ugg... i put the addresses on the smaller of the two envelopes. oh well...that's a stupid tradition anyway)
get glue stick (to seal the envelopes that were supposed to go inside sealing envelopes)
get toothpaste (not the gross kind from Trader Joe's plz)
dry out backpacking stuff/clean dishes
-gift for Sandy
decide about field trip (deep water soloing, class community development, more learning about the world in ways i never have before, trip to awesome place, camping, being an active participant in class, experiential learning, bret's derisive tone, etc. vs. time on campus, free time to do all the other stuff on my list, no class for a week = more time/energy to focus on stuff in the writing center and savor last two weeks, don't have to worry about getting back on time, don't have to plan ahead so far, etc.)
get stuff in order for marathon of activity next week (folk life, field trip, kiss&cry, synergy, vbc)
Venezuela Prez on Wednesday
-call Caitlin
-call Nygil
-call Eric
-call 500 other people
Inkwell article -- make editorial changes, talk to Chris
-climbing, por favor?
feed myself
-deposit check
respond to emails
-finish building cob oven with group!
finish reading The Great Bay (write a paper/distill relevant information)
-read most/all of A Paradise Built in Hell (write/distill)
-practice making a bow-drill fire
-make a bow-drill fire
-make glue (maybe)
-write "relationships" essay
(send proposal to Luna)
-compile/synthesize support resources for class community
-type up notes/try to synthesize/understand larger picture of some ideas
-distill info from other books relevant to class (Old Way, Cosmopolitanism)
-finish fire-making response, send to Luna
read all the readings that are suddenly being assigned/suggested/printed even though there was nothing ever before.
there are probably tons of things i forgot, but at least now that these are no longer only being maintained in my head, maybe i can actually sit down and focus on one.
oh, and word on the street is that our production of Vagina Monologues won Best Even at the first Annual Golden Geoduck Awards. and Best Collective Hair, but I don't know what that means... :/
And finally, since I needed a laugh tonight, what better place to look than pictures from high school. I came across some gems, among them:
oh well.
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