stop fracking
stop nuclear
stop the pipeline
stop mining
stop removing mountaintops
stop drilling
stop tar sands

stop bombing
stop shooting
stop threatening
stop lying

stop arguing
stop politicizing
stop polarizing

stop planning
stop building
stop manufacturing
stop consuming
stop selling

stop paving
stop driving
stop flying

stop sprawling
stop spreading
stop moving

stop drinking
stop smoking
stop shooting-up

stop posting
stop texting
stop talking
stop listening
stop reading
stop writing
stop eating
stop thinking
stop hoping
stop breathing

just fucking stop for a second.
go outside
and look around
and feel what is happening in the world
to the world
to your home
to your heart.
take it all in.

now breathe.
now take a step.

now start thinking
and hoping
and start changing things.

and don't forget how to stop.

(i don't know what's next, but maybe if we were all honest with ourselves whatever is next will be better.)