well. i survived the day. somewhat. its 1:00 and i still have my spanish to do and most of tonights chapter of Language Death.
tomorrow is sleep in til 9, work til 3, running for an hour, shower, food at 5, class til 8, homework, and possibly, though doubtably time to go hang out with someone/people.
wednesday is class at 9:30 to 12. language lab for an hour. reading. working on integration paper. more reading. much needed dance party. ...yea.
oh, i am clenching my teeth. while i'm awake. its been a while since I caught myself doing that. :/
i guess i really am overwhelmed.
tonight was actually pretty nice though. i went straight from work to eat the tacos that Tyler and Zach and Erik had made. It was an exceptional meal, and well-deserved if i do say so myself. I had 4 sessions today. 3 back to back to back. because one girl came in frantic to meet with a tutor but didnt have an appointment. luckily, i can't seem to get a tutee to stay for a full hour so the guy i was working with (who happened to be in the same class, writing the same paper, the night before it needs to be turned in) had left really early basically telling me he didnt care about it. anyway. so i had that session. and then i had another one scheduled for immediately after that, which again was the same class and the same paper. blech.
the worst is trying to tutor first year students who are being misinformed about the purpose of the writing center, and who don't even want to be there in the first place, but are being forced to by their teachers, who are perpetually misinformed about the use of the writing center. fuck.
my first session was great though. the chick who is working on a contract surrounding deaf education. its fascinating stuff, and she actually gives a damn about what she is doing. so it was pretty cool. and i feel like she left with some really good starting points for her paper.
yeaaaa. and I can't find the readings for CV2 anywhere, so i need to do that during work tomorrow so i can add my response to that to my ever enlarging list of shit i have to do this week.
yup. and i am destined to not get my spanish homework done tonight...
i am seriously fucked.
time to stop screwing around, and get to work.
oh... and i...
i hope i did something that made someone feel special today. i bought him a journal so he can start writing. i hope he does. it'll be good for him. ^_^
i think that was the best part of my day.
oh, and the chocolate chip cookie that i put in my pocket during lunch and found during seminar when all i wanted to do was cry. that was good too.
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