Hey Mark,

I deleted you from my friends list on facebook because I really don't feel the need to stay in contact with you at this point. I gave you a well thought-out and valid explanation of my point of view and all you could do was ignore it and pretend that what I said proved your point instead of actually thinking about the information I presented. The information you present doesn't really have much backing behind it. So many of your statements have been statistics that you probably heard from someone else. Well I am just wondering if you understand how they got those statistics. Its really hard to tell sometimes if numbers really represent what they say they do, especially in statistics where there are often large margins of error. None of your stats have confidence statements or anything. Do you understand what that means? I could explain it to you if you want, but I don't want to act like I know everything. I'm sure you already understand it anyway. Clearly you understood my argument about Keynesian economics so well that you could rebuttal it without even a word.

(How does that sarcasm feel to you? I bet it doesn't make you too happy, but that's how everyone else feels upon reading the majority of your posts.)

Anyway, what I really wanted to say here was that I respect the fact that you have an opinion, but I don't respect that you voice it so loudly without any action to make the change you wish to see. If you truly believe in democracy and believe it is being undermined, go fight for it. I believe democracy is failing as well, but I think that has been the case for a lot longer than the year and a half Obama has been in office, and even a long time before Bush was in office. There are severe flaws in our political system, but we have the right to fix them. So I encourage you to go fix them! However you see fit. There are plenty of ways. I hear you are volunteering! That's a great start, but if you care about politics wouldn't it be cool to try some activism? I am not being sarcastic (though I realize it is hard to tell on the internet sometimes). I think you have powerful beliefs and you should go fight for them in a way that is productive to your cause. There are so many amazing things to do in the world that can make a difference.

The last thing I wanted to say is this: I am deeply offended that you would so quickly suggest that I think I know everything. If you paid attention to my character at all you would know that I am humble about all my beliefs; you would know that I question everything that I am told and everything I think. I am analytical and uncertain. When I make a statement, I make sure it is backed up by facts and forethought. I am not a child, though I can't really expect you to understand that since the most time I have spent with you was during my childhood. But time has moved on, and I have grown up. I have an educated and open mind that does not deserve to be bashed by pure ignorance. My character does not deserve your words of anger that are based on what? A conversation about politics over facebook? I am shocked that my own uncle, a person who I should look up to, my elder, could not only demean me by judging me in such an unfair way, but also disgrace himself by posting racist videos on the news feed. You suggested that age is a judge of intelligence by using my supposed age of 18 as a point of reference. Well even though I don't believe age has too much to do with intelligence I thought it had a little bit to do with maturity and tact, but I think you have pretty much disproved that theory by your recent actions.


So... that's the letter I might send. I at least had to write it to blow off some steam. Lemme know what you think or if I should change anything.