gahh! I am so reenergized from vvork today!! This is vvhat I vvant to do vvith my life... vvork that makes me happy even if other things in my life are upsetting, and even if something terrible happens; vvork that is revvarding and fun and physical; vvork vvhere I learn something nevv everyday; vvork vvith great people (even though some are grumpy sometimes).
No matter vvhat I feel like Sunday night (about life, or PSF, or anything) the past 3 Mondays have alvvays managed to make life feel a little brighter. Granted by Friday I am exhausted, but it doesn´t matter because I start over on Monday and feel like I couldn´t possibly be happier anyvvhere else.
I vvas vvalking dovvn the road, looking at the dirt beneath my feet that novv feels so common and right, and I just felt home. I don´t knovv hovv long I vvill last in the states before I need to return here... here as in South America, Peru, Pisco, or PSF. Or somevvhere else similar vvhere I can do vvork and learn and feel free and feel alive and meet nevv people and feel happy and feel like I am doing something vvorthvvhile.
I got discouraged about life and everything after vvitnessing that dog die, and I got antsy for home/Evergreen this vveekend for stupid reasons. And of course I am still shaken and still a bit anxious, but I just love it here, and every time I stop and think about hovv great I feel I just vvish I vvasnt leaving so soon.
Today Ben and I got up early (after staying up really late ... "late" Peru-time is like 10, but vve vvere up past 12) because vve had to cook breakfast vvith a couple other people. There are over 60 volunteers here right novv so that vvas quite an endeavor. But I am officially pro at cooking scrambled eggs for an army.
I vvas exhausted from little sleep but had good times cooking, and didnt feel stressed and just enjoyed the experience. Then I signed up to vvork on Maria´s House today vvhich is a nevv project vvhere vve are breaking up part of an exisiting foundation to build the concrete columns to prep for the brick vvork. A bit of trench digging too for the part of the foundation that doesnt exist yet. Good vvork. Hard. Learned hovv to use a jackhammer (or a smaller equivalent I think). I vvas also the translator for this project cause I vvas the only Spanish speaker, and that in itself vvas a learning experience. I might end up being project leader for this one sometime later this vveek because Matt vvanted to do a concrete pour at Superfun Tovvn (a project vvhere they are building a concrete futbol, volleyball, basketball field for a community). It vvould be avvesome to be a project leader before I left!
Anyvvay... the day vvas almost done and I vvas trying to translate something and suddenly someone says my name and I turn around and its CALUM! AHHHH I vvas so excited! He had come to Pisco to see me but couldnt get ahold of my cell so he vvalked all over tovvn to find the site I vvas at. VVe talked for like 20 minutes before he had to go catch a bus to Lima but I am overjoyed that I got to see him again at all. AMAZING.
Also, Ben and I vvent to Lima this vveekend vvith some of the girls vve met at PSF (Jo, Fran, Charlie, and Hiral --vvho are also all from England). VVe had such a good time. VVent to the catacombs under this church, and vvent to a fountain park, and vvalked around Plaza de Armas. OH and vve ate Dominos vvhich vvas fucking EPICCCCCCC. I have never enjoyed pizza so much in my life. VVe hung out at the girls hostal and met some cool guys vvho might join us at PSF for a couple days (vvhich reminds me I need to add them on Facebook to give them details).
ohh, im late for dinner. more later maybe. xD
Alex -
Ohhh i remember the feeling of walking the streets of Africa and just feeling that sense of HOME.. I remember specifically standing on the beach in Uganda with my feet in the water so gross i couldnt even see them, staring off at the mountains and the people in the grass boats and this overwhelming sense of rightness came over me.
and then i left... and its been over a year and a half and I havent gone back. I remember that feeling of not wanting to be anywhere else in the world and dreading leaving - as much as I couldn't wait to see mom. I thought if I didnt go back as soon as possible I would go crazy!
But now I realize that it was one of MANY adventures of that kind - and each time you come home and go back to school or whatever you are doing.. you are getting ready for the next adventure, being equipped so that when you go back again you make an even greater impact!
So even if you dread or get sick at the feeling of coming home, and going back to evergreen... now you KNOW. now you know where you feel that feeling of home, and even if you arent there you KNOW that you can feel it, and you have felt it - and you arent lost or hopeless anymore if you know that!
the next time you go, whenever it is that you go, you are going to be so much more prepared and every time you go you will be able to make a greater impact than the time before BECAUSE you came home, and you learned, and you grew...
i am so happy that you have found this.. and i am so happy that you are happy.. and that we can relate on this :) I can not wait for you to come back - but i also cant wait for you to go out on another adventure!
wow . . . an amazing mountaintop experience for you!!! I am proud and happy and have such a sense of fulfillment that I had a hand in who and what you are and all that you are becoming. Becca too . . Nathan too! Someday perhaps we will journey together to a place where we all can contribute in our special ways and share that experience at the same time. I would love that more than anything. Don't ever be afraid to come back because back is to people who love you more than can be described; back is the place to begin again, to plan, prepare, and get excited for the next great adventure. The world is yours Alex and it is big and it needs alot of help . . . one little piece at a time. You are making an incredible difference and I am so happy for all who are reaping the benefits of your labor and love. Keep taking care of yourself . . . we all need you! love and admiration ~ mom
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