gahh! I am so reenergized from vvork today!! This is vvhat I vvant to do vvith my life... vvork that makes me happy even if other things in my life are upsetting, and even if something terrible happens; vvork that is revvarding and fun and physical; vvork vvhere I learn something nevv everyday; vvork vvith great people (even though some are grumpy sometimes).

No matter vvhat I feel like Sunday night (about life, or PSF, or anything) the past 3 Mondays have alvvays managed to make life feel a little brighter. Granted by Friday I am exhausted, but it doesn´t matter because I start over on Monday and feel like I couldn´t possibly be happier anyvvhere else.

I vvas vvalking dovvn the road, looking at the dirt beneath my feet that novv feels so common and right, and I just felt home. I don´t knovv hovv long I vvill last in the states before I need to return here... here as in South America, Peru, Pisco, or PSF. Or somevvhere else similar vvhere I can do vvork and learn and feel free and feel alive and meet nevv people and feel happy and feel like I am doing something vvorthvvhile.

I got discouraged about life and everything after vvitnessing that dog die, and I got antsy for home/Evergreen this vveekend for stupid reasons. And of course I am still shaken and still a bit anxious, but I just love it here, and every time I stop and think about hovv great I feel I just vvish I vvasnt leaving so soon.

Today Ben and I got up early (after staying up really late ... "late" Peru-time is like 10, but vve vvere up past 12) because vve had to cook breakfast vvith a couple other people. There are over 60 volunteers here right novv so that vvas quite an endeavor. But I am officially pro at cooking scrambled eggs for an army.

I vvas exhausted from little sleep but had good times cooking, and didnt feel stressed and just enjoyed the experience. Then I signed up to vvork on Maria´s House today vvhich is a nevv project vvhere vve are breaking up part of an exisiting foundation to build the concrete columns to prep for the brick vvork. A bit of trench digging too for the part of the foundation that doesnt exist yet. Good vvork. Hard. Learned hovv to use a jackhammer (or a smaller equivalent I think). I vvas also the translator for this project cause I vvas the only Spanish speaker, and that in itself vvas a learning experience. I might end up being project leader for this one sometime later this vveek because Matt vvanted to do a concrete pour at Superfun Tovvn (a project vvhere they are building a concrete futbol, volleyball, basketball field for a community). It vvould be avvesome to be a project leader before I left!

Anyvvay... the day vvas almost done and I vvas trying to translate something and suddenly someone says my name and I turn around and its CALUM! AHHHH I vvas so excited! He had come to Pisco to see me but couldnt get ahold of my cell so he vvalked all over tovvn to find the site I vvas at. VVe talked for like 20 minutes before he had to go catch a bus to Lima but I am overjoyed that I got to see him again at all. AMAZING.

Also, Ben and I vvent to Lima this vveekend vvith some of the girls vve met at PSF (Jo, Fran, Charlie, and Hiral --vvho are also all from England). VVe had such a good time. VVent to the catacombs under this church, and vvent to a fountain park, and vvalked around Plaza de Armas. OH and vve ate Dominos vvhich vvas fucking EPICCCCCCC. I have never enjoyed pizza so much in my life. VVe hung out at the girls hostal and met some cool guys vvho might join us at PSF for a couple days (vvhich reminds me I need to add them on Facebook to give them details).

ohh, im late for dinner. more later maybe. xD