I'm done playing games. That's all.I would do anything for you, but there is nothing I can do. To love is all the help I can give, and its the only cure for the hatred that still seems to creep into my heart and start beating out, in force, through my veins. It's all somewhat forced for now, except in those separate special moments where happiness is the only thing that exists and it exists only for pure and natural beauty. Forced? That's not it. It's just that I have this battle in my head, and the darkness fights lightness with such greater voracity and conviction, and sometimes it is only when I consciously take control that I can beat it back.This isn't all always true. Sometimes, its just the opposite."This love of dichotomy (the dichotomy of love) -of light and dark- I both fear and embrace, and I know I will never escape by fighting, nor could I banish it through will alone. The way the gray plays into colors, enriching the scene, and enchanting me with its contrast to the golden sun, I believe that a no more beautiful sight I could delight to see."Just thoughts... that may or may not have any true meaning. I guess I can reinforce, at this point, that I have few real convictions. And those I do have are constantly in question, even if I unwaveringly live by them.Someone wrote me something:"My words now floatupto spaceand then down to youin a digital prayer, whilemy flesh streaksdownI-5 with grass seedsin my hairand paint on my face.My soul isn't to be found though,but of courseno ones' ever wasso i can't lodge any new complaintsinto our ledger.I think of youand i think of whalesand a spiderbraving a crawl spacein an attic that may only holdstarvation.We're all insane;there is no debate on that,but i fear i might begrowing saneras i lose things to say,so i have startednot to speak.Insteadi try correspondence with the windbut i only receive changesin air pressureas a reply.This drove Dostoevskyunder-ground,but it makes me want to runto you:yes to bare feetand snowand the prospectthat something was actually waitingfor uson that blanket.Now the sun beginsto risebut the billboard lights are still ondespite the slumberof the theme parks.Soon they will wakeand lineswill spontaneously formout of forged courtesyand habit,but i will wonderwhen i can sleepin your armsundera January snowagain."
He commented after sending it to me, that upon reading it he realized that he had lived. And I too, now that he mentions it.
The point of this post has been lost completely, except that I have been reading so much and writing so little, and here I am writing now. Reading has been good for me, but I know my true love. Though, I suppose one doesn't come without the other. And neither come without learning, hopefully. And learning has been filling the cracks left open from the base level interaction I've been having with people.
I hope it is clear that I have been trying to love better. I have been trying to love people with purity, hope, respect, honest, and without judgment. And also, trying to leave bitterness behind, because that will not help the people who need my love the most.
Also, I believe I have come to a point where I really need to focus on me, and my family. At least for this next week, before I go to school, but probably even longer. A huge part of this focus means actively loving people, but not allowing their decisions to affect me as I usually do. Even though I feel the importance of allowing things to affect me the way they naturally do, there are some parts of me that still need to be built up and reinforced before I can let the world knock them around every-which way. Normally, this isn't an option. People don't have time to make this space for themselves, most people never get the chance to even make decisions about what they want or who they are (maybe none of us do, depending on your particular spiritual beliefs), but I feel I have a space for this in my life right now, and I want to take it. Meaning... I have no clue what it means, except that I want to be really intentional about my decisions and actions in the next week, leading up to school, and see if I can grow some. Yea, I feel like I have growing pains, but that something is restricting actual development. Whatever it is, I want to be rid of it.
Wouldn't put it past me that I am crazy, and coming up with crazy things to write to explain the crazy way I act sometimes, and the crazy way I feel most of the time, but I don't think it can hurt to do a bit of an experiment here, while my commitments are sparse.
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