I can't scream.
Someone will call the cops.

I can hardly breathe.
I can't cry.
I can't write
not the words I need to.
It doesn't exist in words.

What is this world that I live in?
How is this possible?

I am in despair.
I am in rage.
I am enraged.

I am angry.
My heart is broken.


by the selfishness

I have been pouring out words like the river pours
Why was I silent when I needed to speak?
Was that my promise

Speak from your heart. Don't listen to them.
How long will it take you to learn that lesson?

How do I maintain the respect to have my voice be heard
and the integrity to speak my truth
when my truth is generally contrary to what is accepted and respected?

[is that true? it feels true]

The most frustrating part is the cowardice and submission
which I am guilty of.

What can I say? What can I do?

I can feel my power
I can feel strength inside me.
I know there is something.
My promise isn't broken,
and if it is
I will piece it back together.
I will try.

 "What is happening to us?

There are long skeins of time when I feel so confused and lost in this broken world of our own making. I don't know who we have become or what to believe or who to trust."

 -TTW, Finding Beauty in a Broken World


"We have to keep loving with an open heart, even though it hurts."
Even though we don't know what will happen.


"'Bewilderness'--the place where the mind wanders
without certainties."

TTW, Finding Beauty...