Stress is already consuming me, and school hasn't even started yet! AHH! At least I don't start tutoring til week 2.

Before classes start I need to finish my applications for Killoqua and Science camp (that means I need to do them tonight and tomorrow).
Also tomorrow I need to go climbing, even if that means breaking into the climbing gym. Seriously, unless it is warm enough to run tomorrow, the gym NEEEEDS to open up or I will combust.

planescuzcoschedulemoneyapplicationsjobstimeworkblarg! This is the planning I need to get done NOW.
there is gonna be toooo much this quarter. 10-12 hours of work per week in the Writing Center. 12 credit core class. 4 credit spanish class. Climbing. Running. Sleeping. Planning for my trips (flights, expenses, dates, packing, ect.)

Tonight is my last night of freedom!
So now that I'm temporarily purged of these thoughts, I'm gonna go have fun.