my stomach/intestines are not fucking working with me right now.

so yesterday my digestive system was like in hyperdrive and today it just doesnt wanna do shit (no pun intended).

i ate breakfast today. and then lunch cause i was starving from yesterday. bad ideas, both.

unluckily we had a field trip today also, and the windy dirt road was tough on my stomach.
luckily it was to aguas calientes, the hot springs.
unluckily they werent very hot.
luckily they still helped a little.

ben and kelsey have been helping too.

ive taken 3 rolaids. had some sprite. have been drinking water both warm and cold. had some tea. and have a mug of hot water leaned against my stomach.

im trying to see if i can get my mind off the pain by writing.

ive been sick enough on this trip to discover a pattern. physical pain is one of my escapes from emotional turmoil. oh wait. i already knew that. but its a bit different to feel happier when im ill than when im climbing really hard, or whatever.

ugg, everyones getting drunk tonight. oh well, at least i already have an excuse to stay in my room. haha. im so boring.