well I'm no cook (yet) but I might as well start trying stuff out especially if I want to continue enjoying meals and quit living off vegi pizza, side salads, and mushroom burritos.

Tonight I made
cous cous
vegetarian field roast sausage.

I am enjoying it for sure, but there are some conflicting flavors because the cous cous is Mediterranean flavor and tastes great by itself, and the sausage has its own strong flavor --its a bit appley-- so next time, I will switch that up. But the textures combined are enjoyable and since I can't really depend on cous cous as a meal in itself (though I have been) it was good to add a bit of something to it. For instance, protein. YAY.
And if I continue to climb like I have been recently (amazingly, if I do say so myself) then I should probably start keeping track of my diet more closely, especially my protein intake.

Oh, by the way, thanks to everyone who has been providing me with answers to my vegetarian questions. And thanks to everyone who has made me food on many occasions when I was too overwhelmed/weak/tired to do it myself (mainly, that would be Eric!).