I just talked to Madelyn! On the phone! Hadn't heard her voice since I left Charleston, West Virginia at the beginning of August.
But now...
since we determined it a bit brash for her to drive 2.5 hours to see me between class tomorrow, and a similar level of over-the-top for me to skip class, we instead developed our plans to go to Sasquatch this Spring. Then (upon realizing how many hundreds of dollars we would spew for 24 hours of traveling, camping, and festival-ing) we instead decided on Folklife. Free festival-ing! along with plenty of free, nearby couches (sailboats) to crash on. May 27th! And I'm already itching with anticipation.

So since I'm planning on being here in May, I suppose this means I have set my sights on postponing my return to Peru until next fall. Tyler's been doing a lot of reading from Andean Roots books, and we have been practicing Spanish together because he really wants to come with. We are still looking for two more people to join us; I've asked Eric and Elissa, and Tyler is asking Will and Markleigh. I remembered that last year Martha said she would be my contract sponsor. So its coming together piece by piece.

Tonight I have been working on scholarship applications that will help me pay for that very trip! Now when I say "working" I mean going out to dinner with Ariel and Carolyn; driving to another town; shopping for outfits for the going-away/girls-night/lingerie party on Friday; talking to Madelyn on the phone; (here's where we get to the productive part) receiving emails from Nelson and Rachel confirming that I DO have people to write my recommendations; thinking about how to get those people the information they need to write them; reading my applications from last year; opening a word document to start drafting my new personal essay (cause my old one was crap); and then writing this blog (which is productive because it helps me offload all the things that are pressing on my mind).

About the rest of my day...

After class I had a mini snow(slush/ice) ball fight with Ty and Eric (and some random guy who tried to get me after the fight when my back was turned). I went climbing even though my foot (not my ankles) is killing me for some reason. Two days of unusually successful and intense climbing in a row = awesome. Only one back landing = better than more than one bad landing. Though I shouldn't have been climbing that V5 anyway o.O
By the way: Biceps. Fuck yea.

After climbing Ty walked me to work and we ran into a health and fitness celebration thing in the foyer of the library building. So, instead of getting to work on-time I honed/showed-off my juggling skills. And after I checked in at work to make sure I didn't have an immediate session, I grabbed Elissa and ran back out to teach her how to do it.

I planned to use the rest of the hour for reading, but fell asleep for 10 minutes (first time that has ever happened at work, by the way). Then Rebecca wanted us to do OWL training (not what it sounds like, but still pretty cool). For the last hour of work I had a session with a grad student and because we were on such a role together I stayed late to finish up our process (which evens-out since I was late). Anyway, I really enjoyed the session and I freaking love my job. The Writing Center is so bad-ass.

After work I went into the CAB where they've hung all the design plans from the renovation. Very relevant to our lecture today and our seminar book about dialogue between client and architect (Design through Dialogue is the title). The CAB plans discussed all the avenues in which they got the community involved in the redesign process as part of their brief, and they showed all the architectural drawings and LEED certification information, ect. (Can you say "Worklog material", cause I can!)

Anyway, with all these distractions I didn't get everything done that I had planned to taday. But spontaneity can be healthy, and Ari is moving away on Saturday so it was more important to have some time with her. Tomorrow I will be productive. Friday I will be fun. And the rest of the weekend I will nest in my room and read the massive amounts of text that has been assigned for next week.