RUN to the side of your brothers and sisters who fight on your behalf

RUN to the footsteps and doors of office buildings full of those still sleeping

STOP what you are doing whatever it may be and RUN

STOP watching the news

STOP checking for status updates

STOP driving your car, literally pull over get out and RUN

PUT DOWN your cell phone and coffee, ok maybe not the coffee

LEAVE BEHIND the comfort of your warm home

LEAVE BEHIND outdated modes of thought

LEAVE BEHIND anything and everything that is holding you back and RUN

WHAT IF you could be the straw that breaks the camals back

WHAT IF your presence would help make those around you stronger

WHAT IF you could actually change the world

WHAT IF you could inspire people to want to at least try

IMAGINE IF it worked

IMAGINE IF every single person you know started running right now

running to the side of our brothers and sisters standing in the cold

holding onto every hope they've ever had of making things better

COULD YOU decide that everything you left behind was not as important as our future?

COULD YOU ignite the fire in your heart that's been slowling burning out

the fire that used to guide your way, telling you that all things are possible

TELLING YOU that you have the right and the responsibility to no longer be silent

TELLING YOU to use your voice to defend those who cannot speak and who cannot run

WOULD YOU use that fire to set the world ablaze and watch it burn? or

WOULD YOU use a spark to ignite the hearts of everyone around you

WOULD YOU feed that fire until it burned so hot that they couldnt stop themselves from running?

running to the sides of our brothers and sisters keeping themselves warm only

by the embers in their hearts.

DO YOU BELIEVE that the there is something worth saving

DO YOU BELIEVE that you are strong and powerful, if not by yourself than together with others

DO YOU BELIEVE you could make sacrifices to be a part of something bigger than yourself?

then let any reason you have, any little spark of life you find worth defending, ignite your heart

and RUN"

-Jessica Armstrong