(I really like that song right now... a lot a lot)

In seminar the other day, we were discussing the reading about the relation between biodiversity and linguistic diversity.
Someone brought up Ishmael, and the "takers" vs. the "leavers." I just thought that was really neat since my admissions essay to Evergreen was about that book.

Fuck. I should have gone climbing today.
I hope I have time tomorrow. I will... kinda. It just depends how much work I wanna get done between 3 and 6. I wanna get a lot done.
Fuck. Maybe climbing will have to wait til Friday, or Saturday (is it open on Saturday?)
I'd like to play racquetball too.
And Ariel will wanna watch Heroes tomorrow night. I do too...
(she and Tyler had never seen it, and so I had them watch the first episode. She is hooked, but has been patiently waiting for Tyler to get back from his trip to see the next one.)

I can never keep ahead of my work. I feel like I am running to catch up all the time. On sleep, on work, on calories, on relationships, on writing.

At least I haven't lost myself yet. I really don't want to regress.
Honestly and pathetically, all things Twilight keep me happy. And the fact that Ariel is so into it... that helps a lot. Actually... she helps a lot.
I love her. I would consider her one of my best friends already. Its amazing to live right next to her and be with her so much. Granted, it does distract me, but I need it. I literally would probably be falling backwards into my "normal" mental state of despair without her.
Alicia helps too. It helps that I can be here to help her. She seems to be stumbling through a lot of this transition, but at least she is moving, and not stuck. I hope I am encouragement for her to keep moving along.

I miss work. Its only at the beginning of the week, and ever since my first session I have found myself anticipating my next session, and keep re-realizing that it isn't until Monday (or Tuesday if no one comes in...)

I hope Nygil gets a secretary position at the Writing Center. Not only do I think it would be cool to work with him, I also think it would be good for him... to be around people who love writing so much, and to just be around friendly people. Maybe he could even take Cultivating Voice in the Spring. (He's probably reading this and wanting to punch me... and I will gladly take that hit if it means he gets the opportunity.)

Tonight, Ariel came home crying. She had cramps and had taken advil, and was out of it, but she was also missing home, and just a lot of stuff was going on in her head. She wouldnt talk about most of it... but we definately needed some girl time (remember, I wasnt feeling too hot myself). We (strategically) went next door to ask if they had brownie mix (she needed brownies/cake, I needed a fix of my own). I felt better right after that, even though we left with empty hands on the brownie front. But Mark did suggest we check the corner store... so we did. Low and behold, there was fudge brownie mix!! Ahh... the night was getting better for both of us so quickly.
When we... she was making them, I turned on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack and we sang really loud and ate the excess batter. She took a shower, I did some work, I took a shower, she called someone, I ate too much of Em's dessert which was apples in some carmalized sauce. Then the brownies were ready!
The guys next door had mentioned wanting some when we had stopped by, so Ariel went and got them. 5 of them came over (David, Tristan, Nathan, Cameron, Esthenthio) and we all ate brownies and talked.
It was nice.
Ariel and I felt better.
Except... now my run was kinda pointless cause I ate so much shit afterwards. but... then again I guess its really good I ran, cause its better than eating shit after NOT running.

I didnt mean to write this much
and I meant to play music while I was writing.

But now it is time for sleep, and I still have like 20 pages to read. :/
LOOOOOOONG Day tomorrow.

Weekend, come faster!!