In 40 minutes I start 4 hours of work.
Just finished 4 hours of class.
Peer review was laid back, but I started to feel sick toward the end. Really sick. Nauseous and dizzy and feverish. We got done early so I took a nap on the couch. That felt good, and I felt even better after the potluck, which was full of healthy, delicious foods.
Lots of ideas in seminar, but at least it was just small groups, and we went out on Red Square. The fresh air helped keep back the nausea.
The information is overwhelming.
The truth is overwhelming.
Trying to comprehend so many different world views at once, and trying to see how my own fits in (or doesn't fit at all).

I'm exhausted.
and yet, I can't complain.
There are so many reasons I just can't complain...