registration is tomorrovv.
i am frusterated that i can´t take Arabic and Spanish both because their schedules overlap. But I think I am going to take Designing Green Futures, and Spanish. Beginning 3 or Intermediate 1? I don´t knovv. Either vvay if I do that combination I am in for another stressful quarter of 20 credits and vvork.

I REALLLLLLLLY just vvanna take those tvvo languages and ballet and vvork a ton in the center. i could take japanese or chinese or something besides arabic. but that is the next language i vvant to learn and i don´t knovv if i vvould invest myself as much in anything else. but Tyler is gonna ask the faculty member he knovvs for DGF if Eric and I can take it for 12 credits instead of 16. That vvould help alot. Probably sustain my happiness a bit better too if I vvasnt killing myself vvith an overambitious vvorkload.