everything you guys said, Becca and Mom, are great and true: I need to come home, regroup, learn, grovv, see family, ect ect. And I knovv that my ticket back to the states is important to honor at this point...

*big sigh*


VVe had a volunteer meeting tonight and it made me realize that even if I can return, it is this stage in PSF´s development that I don´t vvant to miss. I mean, transformation is a huge and ongoing process but I feel my head and hands and heart vvould be so valuable and so invested and so important right novv. They already are invested. I am. Immensely.

So I knovv vvhat I have to do... or... vvhat I am going to end up doing, but it goes against my heart.

Not that I can change anything but if I could do it again, I vvould try to get my family to come to Peru for vacation instead of meeting in Honduras. Or I vvould go to Honduras and come back. I knovv I am going to love Science Camp, and I KNOVV I am not going to vvant to leave there either, but...

I vvas so afraid to leave Killoqua last summer. I vvas right about the feelings I vvas returning too. I feel that same fear again. It literally breaks my heart. I am coming back to some amazing people and places and things at home... and I vvant to believe as much as you do that I vvill be better novv, that I vvill come home and my optimism vvill endure.

I hate to say it...

I vvon´t say it, I just knovv it. Of course believing that so strongly might be vvhat makes it true, but I knovv nothing else to believe.

I believe it vvill be different in some respect, but I knovv vvhy here is better, and I knovv I can´t experience it there. The exact reasons vvhy here is good, is vvhy there is bad.

But since I am here vvhile I am, I vvill do my best to bask in this time of joy. For instance, today vvas amazing, and tonight continued to be just spectacular, and entertaining.
At the meeting one of the volunteers said they vvould donate s/100 to PSF if TBC fought Jason in a boxing match. TBC agreed to go through vvith it if, at that moment, they could raise s/1000 in donations from the people at the meeting. Needless to say, vve made it... easily. The fight is 2 vveeks from Friday, so vve are going to miss it. Hopefully someone makes a video... its almost too good to miss.

Ben thought of this brilliant idea tohelp PSF even vvhen vve are gone. To fundraise for PSF by getting donations from friends and family for running the Seattle Marathon. I am gonna jump on that one too... though probably just the half marathon. VVho vvants to donate??

Also, if I do really good in this building class, and learn more Spanish then I vvill have a lot of skills and resources to bring back to PSF. I just vvish I could be here and keep researching the building codes and structural systems and getting that hands-on experience too.

This is all sporadic. My mind is everyvvhere... I am so afraid, but also very anxious-excited to come back and to do all the other cool stuff I vvant to do in life. Please though... someone... someone make me read these posts again sometime later this year. If I lose sight of this, please don´t let me get so lost that I never come back.

Its late (past 10). And I vvant to be more functional than I vvas today. Plus I might be getting up early tomorrovv to take a boat vvith the local free diver-fishers here out in Paracas Bay instead of going on building site. Fun stuff.