weird day.

first dive: Fish ID (since we cant do night dive as a class tonight).
that was fun.
second dive: wreck dive.
but my fucking right ear wouldn't equalize. so instead of swimming inside a sunken ship, i got to swim back to shore by myself. rinsed and hung all my gear and then passed out in a hammock. woke up who knows how much later after having a dream about a movie I havent even seen yet (The Greatest) and realized that everyone was eating lunch already. went in and got a sloppy joe and fries and potato salad and sat and ate. in a pretty bad mood...

then got ready for the afternoon dive which was to Mary's Place and my parents absolutely insisted I go. They were right. it was an awesome dive. we went through two really deep cracks, and then saw these cool really long super thin silver fish. also the fattest fish i've ever seen was hiding in a cave, but my mom spotted him and pointed him out.

Mom Becca and Dad did the drop dive. i came in on the boat. don't have the best diving stamina.

uhhhg. the worst part about this place is that some much of the staff just hits on you. well, me. right now im just sitting here at the computer and the guy at the bar kept yelling something. i didnt look over until i realized he was saying "Baby" over and over (which is what he called me when he passed a bit ago). when i looked, he said "baby, can i bring you a coke?"
i looked at him funny and he said "on me."
well... there was really no saying no to a free drink, but... oh

yup... there he goes again...
"any drink from the bar you ever want or need, just let me know. on me."

whelp...i'll never be thirsty here, thats for sure.

oh! hes back again...
"you done? you want a munkylala? anything! anything! dont be shy wit me. what do you want?"

oh good.
he just called someone else 'baby' too.

back to the states in two days, this time for more than 48 hours, but hopefully not too long. my heart already yerns for South America.

so here's something actually interesting and important... i am trying to write a book. been THINKING about it for years and years and years. but suddenly i am being called to it. problem is... i got nothing. no idea is ever good enough. no topic compelling enough to develop an idea. and even if i did...

well, at least it is on my mind, and maybe because i am open to the possibility, i might accidentally stumble upon something in my head that would eventually make a good book. i day dream all the time. i DREAM all the time. this should be easy. my dreams are all like scifi though, which really isnt the genre i would be into. i guess i dont know yet, cause ive never written fiction. i remember the few i did for assignments and such but those were some of the only written assignments i didnt finish, or if i did, i didnt like them.

im just never gonna be the writer i want to be, and that sucks, but that just means I will have to keep working at it my whole life. im starting to hate blogging though, because it lets me be lazy about my writing. there are no expectations and there is no challenge and... its all just a bunch of bullshit that no one wants to read. occasionally what i write is funny, but usually im the only one who thinks so. (im starting to think most of my humor will be shared by no one else, but maybe i just havent been with many people lately).

Alejandra just came over and said i could do the wreck dive tomorrow morning. sweet.

ok... more later.