I'm sick of people talking about how family values/structure and the marriage covenant is being broken because of "gays" and "liberals." Marriage has proven its failure on its own. And family? When adult siblings in "traditional families" can actually work through their differences and be civil to each other then maybe I will see what the big deal is with "traditional family" structure. I just don't understand why so many people are scrambling to protect something that doesn't really exist. Okay, that's obviously an exaggeration. And I know all this sounds fucked up coming from me, especially since my family has created the strongest bond between 5 people I have ever witnessed. I guess I don't mean to say that I have a problem with marriage or this idea of family, but I do have a problem with people thinking its the only way to live and trying to prevent others from branching out. There is no reason to force anyone to live under that structure when there are so many issues with it, and on such a large scale.