and broken things
like hearts
and banjo strings.


"That book uses a term for one's social clout with another based upon the 'weight' of a person's shadow. it amounts to showing one's intentions reduces the impact he or she desires, and therefore the weight of their shadow is reduced. high social interaction is then termed to a chess game of ones intentions versus how they wish to appear and the significant they wish to hold with that person. this idea just struck a deeper profundity with me tonight. we cast doubt about ourselves to hide the more simplistic nature of our acions and being, but by showing others the reason for casting our shadows we can hopefully allow them to lower their doubt-filled appearances in an effort to see the human shadow for all its worth. this notion is counter to human interaction in which we typically start with simple principals and hope to find a measure of greatness buried within. they're both fun thoughts to entertain and i thought you might enjoy toying with whether you are casting greatness to be boiled down to simplicity, or simplicity to be refined to greatness."