Been chatting with my new roommates today. Carolyn and Ariel. Haven't heard from Sarah yet, but I can only hope to get along with her half as well as I do with the other two, cause its been awesome so far. Such an improvement.

Pax this weekend was awesome.
I got my 3 day pass for free (thanks to James and Tim) which was a plus, and just stayed with my brother so I didn't have to pay for a hotel/bus fare too and from the boys' apartment.
I don't want to go into details cause it is late and there is a lot to say, but some quick things:
I loved the encore of Freezepop, it rocked! Honestly I thought the rest of their show was boring (except when the guy got on stage and proposed to his girlfriend). I enjoyed playing Left4Dead or whatever that zombie game was. Walking around and talking with Matt was probably the best time I had because it was such a refresher being with and talking to someone who just makes me feel right. He seemed really happy too.
I had fun hanging out with those Facake people too. xD
I loved watching Sean play outside the convention center...even though we got kicked off the steps, which was bullshit.
I also got to see Alex Blanton who I havent seen for a while. I missed seeing Zak.
But I did get the pleasure of running into Maddie Copp and Dustin Woods, who I havent seen in person for probably 10 years.
And chillin with Grey.
And getting a hug or two from Gameboy (...sorry, Garrett. Fuck... is that even your real name?)

Wow... so much for not getting into detail.

Well, now that I'm here... I will also mention how much I enjoyed my time with Amanda, and the short amount of time I had to talk with Nathan.

I liked being the last non-Enforcer out of the building on Friday night (well, actually Sat. morning) because no one could find my brother... the only Enforcer who works late just because he can. :P

Yea. Aside from having the worst migrain of my life through most of it, I legitimately had a lot of fun.

Watched Rent with my parents tonight.
And we all made dinner together.
It was lovely.

Ok. It is late.
John is coming over tomorrow morning. I hope he is doing alright.
Matt and I are going to dinner tomorrow night. PF Chang's. Haha, we have been planning this for like 3 months or more. Finally found a time that works. ^_^

Rainstorm today
with thunder
and wind.
I loved it.
Hope there is more to come soon.