oh yea...
and in the midst of everything I forgot to go to the Longhouse reopening ceremony. Not that I would have had time or energy, but I was looking forward to it since Spring quarter so I'm a little bummed. We were supposed to present the drums that we made.

Ahh well. Liza didn't email me anyway...
I had just woken up by the time it started, and didn't even remember until 2 hours later.

God I wish I just had time to sit around and listening to Death Cab lyrics.
Or dance around my room to Paramore and try on different outfits.
Haha. I love that stupid shit.
I think I started running because I knew I could listen to music while feeling a bit productive. I can't listen to music while I'm reading or doing my homework or sitting in the writing center waiting for my appointment. Running though... yea... sometimes I sing when I run. Really loud. Especially when I'm down by the organic farm. Sometimes I hope that singing while running will help me improve my singing abilities... I donno, help strengthen my voice or something.

uggh. I have so much to do this week.
When am I gonna get a break? Really... when?